If you're here, it probably means that you are new to roleplaying or don't have much experience yet. Do not fear! We are here to help! Our moderators are people who have been roleplaying for quite some time and have lots of experience. If you need any help, they can answer your questions, give advice, etc. Just don't bug them too much. You need to use your own brain sometimes. ^_^
Roleplays posted here, will generally be simple ones, with not a lot to them because most who are making these roleplays have not made many roleplays before. It is also a laid back place where you can practice your skills. You could even ask for a tutor who would come by and show you all your errors in your posts. Not to be mean, of course, but to help you notice your mistakes, fix them, and better yourself so then you won't keep making those mistakes. ^_^
Right now, the staff is small, but so is the amount of members. In fact, right now, all the members are moderators..
Anyways, more will be added when I think of what I need to put here.